Director General & Founder, Green Energy Association of Israel (GEA-IL)
Secretary, Global Solar Council

Eitan Parnass is the founder & Director General of the Green Energy Association of Israel (formerly REEEAI Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Association of Israel), the main green energy lobbying group organization in Israel. Established in 2009 by Parnass, GEA-IL promotes the implementation of renewable energy electricity production and energy efficiency in Israel, using the professional industry knowledge & skills. One of the main objectives of GEA-IL is providing decision makers with the necessary information and tools to achieve national goals and set enabling policy to foster green energy sector growth. GEA-IL was involved in the formation of the various renewables & Energy Efficiency regulations, acting for the Israeli green energy industry from the launch of the first Solar PV regulations (2008) and has marked many achievements promoting local Renewables market.
Parnass is also a public pro-sustainability activist involved in numerous initiatives to promote sustainable economy in Israel and worldwide, including the formation of the Global Solar Council, launched at Paris COP21, where he serves as board member and secretary. Parnass has served as Board Member to various NGOs including the Israel Sustainable Energy Society (ISES), serves as Vice President of GIREC (Israel-Germany Renewable Energy Committee), member to the National Green Growth Round Table and is a notable speaker at the academy, industry, local & international conferences and seminars.
Eitan Parnass was born in Jerusalem in 1971, he holds Honours law degree from the University of Warwick UK and LL.m law degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.