General Director
CVDT Consulting

Casper Van der Tak (50) is a Dutch economist with wide-ranging experience. His work in the last 20 years has concentrated on the issues of environment, energy and climate change, In his core field of climate change, Casper is best known for the founding and management of Caspervandertak Consulting from a single person company to one of the leading developers of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects, with 168 United Nations registered projects to date. Casper is an acknowledge expert is this field and has been asked to provide expert witness reports to several cases that came before international courts of arbitration.
Casper has managed several large and complex projects for international organizations. From 1999-2003 he was international project director of a project on sustainable industrial development with the Chinese national planning commission, managing and providing guidance to a series of research teams and experts working on different aspects of sustainable industrial development and creating inputs to China’s 10th Five Year Plan. From 2013-2015, Casper was senior climate technology policy specialist and team leader at Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Climate Technology Finance Center, focused on introducing climate technologies in policies, planning, and investment pipelines. Currently Casper is responsible for significant parts of the ClimaSouth project dealing with climate change mitigation and finance.
Currently Casper is advising private sector and public sector clients on using climate finance and other financial mechanisms to support investments in climate relevant projects.